Dr. Enslin Uys
  • Suite 6, Pietermaritzburg Eye Hospital, 5 Alon Paton Drive, Pietermaritzburg
  • Mon - Fri 8.00 - 16.30

About Dr Enslin Uys

About Dr Enslin Uys

Who is Dr Enslin Uys ?

Dr Enslin Uys obtained his medical degree (MBChB) at the University of Orange Free State (UOFS) in 1993. Dr Uys fell in love with Pietermaritzburg after he did his internship at Greys Hospital in 1994 (while his newlywed wife was teaching at St John’s DSG). This was followed by another year at Edendale hospital in 1995, doing his diploma in anaesthesia [DA (SA)]. Coincidently, exactly 20 years after his own father did his internship at Edendale hospital when Dr Enslin Uys was only 6 years old.

After spending 2 years in the UK and Australia, he returned and specialised in Ophthalmology at the University of Cape Town (UCT) under world-renowned academic, Professor Tony Murray. He obtained his specialist degree (FCOphth) in 2004 and was a consultant for 6 months at UCT doing cataract and retinal surgery with various experts in this field.

In 2005 he moved to Pietermaritzburg, Kwazulu Natal where he was appointed as a consultant at Greys Hospital concentrating on setting up the current retinal service. After being full time consultant at Greys Hospital for 18 months, he started in private practice at Netcare St Anne’s Hospital in July 2006. He moved to the new Pietermaritzburg Eye Hospital in December 2017 where he is currently practising from.

Background History

Dr Uys did a mini-fellowship in Bremen, Germany, at the vitreoretinal training school. The primary faculty of the European Vitreo-Retinal Training School is comprised entirely of high volume vitreoretinal surgeons, selected for their vast experience, innovative capabilities, up-to-date knowledge and teaching talent. He is currently offering a retinal surgery service to Pietermaritzburg, Hilton, and Natal Midlands. Dr Uys was a part-time consultant at Greys Hospital for almost 10 years, until August 2015, where he was involved in teaching other young ophthalmologists. He is currently involved in teaching 5th year medical students during their rotation in Ophthalmology.

His other interests include small incision refractive cataract surgery, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic eye disease, screening of premature babies to exclude ROP and squint surgery. Dr Uys also has a sound knowledge of neuro ophthalmology and is able to treat neurological ophthalmic conditions such such as proptosis; cranial nerve III, IV and VI palsies; thyroid eye disease (Graves’ eye disease) and diplopia (or double vision)

cataract surgery specialist PMB