Regular glaucoma screenings are recommended for people over the age of forty, especially if there is a family history of glaucoma. Screenings typically involve several tests, including tonometry to check the eye pressure; visual field testing to test sight at various areas of your vision; pachymetry to assess the thickness of the cornea; ophthalmoscopy to check for damage to the optic nerve; gonioscopy to look at the outflow angle and determine whether the iris is situated in an abnormal position; and optic nerve and retinal layer imaging (OCT or HRT) to check for any changes in the optic nerves and ganglion cell layer of the retina over time. All of these tests are painless, and Dr Enslin Uys will let you know which tests are recommended for your particular needs.
Sometimes, medication may not be sufficient, in which case Dr Enslin Uys may recommend glaucoma surgery. One of the most common procedures is laser surgery, which works by increasing the flow of fluid from the eye and preventing blockages. There are a number of laser surgeries available, including trabeculoplasty, which works by opening up the drainage area; iridotomy, which involves making an a small hole in the iris to let fluid flow via an alternative path from the back to the front of the eye; and cyclophotocoagulation, which reduces the production of fluid by applying laser to the ciliary body, a part of the middle layer of the wall of the eye, situated just behind the iris.
Microsurgery is also an option, in which case Dr Enslin Uys will create a drainage procedure called a trabeculectomy. This allows the excess fluid to drain out of the eye and get absorbed under the skin, also called the conjunctiva, of the eye. This will help to relieve pressure in the eye. Sometimes, a tube or drainage device is implanted. The latest technique is the placement of a I stent. The I Stent is cutting edge technology and currently the smallest device implanted in the human body. Dr Uys has gained valuable experience in implanting these devices in early glaucom. The choice depends on the type of glaucoma you have and how advanced it is. Dr Enslin Uys is well qualified in helping you make the correct decision.